St. John Baptiste-Marie Vianney

St. John Baptiste-Marie Vianney
Cure of Ars

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why consider Spiritual Adoption?

Nothing takes more lives than abortion. Every day over 4,000 babies are destroyed; they have so little protection - only the hand of God can end the killing. Prayer is the best, most effective weapon available to all to help them-the most effective.

Please spiritually adopt an unborn baby.

How does spiritual adoption protect the unborn and change hearts?

During your lifetime only God knows your spiritually adopted child, but in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet the child whose life was spared by your prayers and spend eternal happiness with them. This prayer will make a difference between life and death for a special child.

Why is each person of unfathomable value?

Reverend William Scott Daniels, O.P. with Priests for Life summarizes the unique, unrepeatable, and irreplaceable nature of each human person:

Every individual person is the only one that has been or ever will be. No one can give the gifts that each person alone can give to the world. We pass this way only once and only have this lifetime to leave a legacy that no other person could possibly impart – a giftedness that God has given us alone in helping Him build up His Kingdom. You and I are the only you and I who is or ever will be. (Right to Life of Indianapolis, Affirming the Inherent Goodness of the Human Person, Vol. 17 Issue 1, January 2010).

What is the depth of the grave injustice of abortion?

Every day over 4,000 babies are killed by abortion. The silent scream of the slaughter of these innocents cries out to the Blessed Trinity. Prayer and fasting are the most effective weapons to fight abortion and beg for the conversion of all involved and wounded by abortion.

How does it work?

It's very simple. Participants pledge to pray for nine months for a baby in danger of abortion. During each month of the program, the "spiritual parents" are given information about their baby's development in the womb.

While this child will remain unknown to his or her 'spiritual parent', God knows who the child is. Many people have found that naming 'their child' helps to keep them focused on the reality that their prayers are helping to save a particular baby from the harm of abortion.

Say this prayer every day for nine months to save a baby’s life!

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”
By Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

At the end of the program a 'baby shower' or 'birthday party' can be held and gifts of baby items donated given to a local pregnancy center.

Who can participate?

Are you concerned about abortion, and willing to pray for babies in danger of abortion, "that they might have life and have it to the full." (John 10:10)? Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in the Spiritual Adoption program not once, but throughout one’s entire life.

Who benefits from the Spiritual Adoption Program?

Everyone! While it is not always possible to see the particular effects of prayer, we know through Sacred Scripture that God wants us to pray, and we know by faith that Our Blessed Lord answers all prayers. The educational aspect of the program is beneficial to people of all ages, including children. Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me (Matt 25:40).

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